Pregnancy Loss – A Very Personal Matter..

Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss

It strikes me, as I research this subject, that there are a great many sites and organisations devoted to this area and whom specialise in providing help and support be it onscreen, on the phone or in person¹ – The Miscarriage Association provide some really good downloadable information on their site (see below).  Still despite this assistance, many tell me how emotionally and physically devastating Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss can be.  All we can do to help is to provide as much support and advice as possible.

Pregnancy Loss is very common – approximately 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage³. It can happen at any time during the entire term but is most common in the first Trimester – usually pre 10 weeks although perhaps not discovered until the 12 weeks scan.

A ‘Chemical or Biochemical’ pregnancy is one that is lost prior to confirmation by an ultrasound scan.  A ‘Clinical’ pregnancy is one that is lost post confirmation by scan. Both terms are viewed as ‘medical/clinical’ and don’t appear to adequately or emotionally describe the ‘pregnancy’ that is owned by the potential parents.  The new terminology of ‘Pregnancy Loss’ rather than Miscarriage is hoped to be more sensitive.

Early Pregnancy Units (EPUs) are available at most NHS Hospitals and provide emergency care, help and support for those needing assistance with a pregnancy related problem.  However some units provide more care than others and opening times vary i.e. some are only open Monday to Friday, whereas others are also open on Saturdays.

Some GPs recommend trying to conceive straight after a Chemical/Biochemical pregnancy but often suggest waiting for the body to normalise after a Clinical Pregnancy Loss.

However from an emotional point of view, when dealing with your grief and loss, you are unlikely to differentiate between either of the above.  Whichever way you look at it, a pregnancy is a pregnancy and a loss is a loss.  Every individual/couple will deal or cope with this in a very personal manner – best advice would perhaps be to say, do what feels right for you and take your time.  Ask or seek help and assistance should you feel it necessary – there are many organisations out there wanting to help….. and please, don’t forget the men – their loss is often as greatly felt but not necessarily shown, nor sometimes considered…..

Do contact The Miscarriage Association,; and The Association of Early Pregnancy Units, for further information.

I feel strongly that the emotional and physical trauma should be treated in the very least holistically and spiritually, as the impact is often silent but felt very individually.

Despite the fact that this is sadly a very common occurrence, often little help and support is provided and very little information is given to those in need at the time.  Many have shared their experiences in the hands of staff who lack any understanding or empathy in such circumstances.

As a Reflexologist and Hypnotherapist, I strongly recommend Reflexology and Fertility Massage to help the body to rebalance after such a trauma.  Time and time again I have seen great benefit from such a rebalancing treatment.   I also feel that Hypnotherapy can help to address the emotional stress often caused by such circumstances, which can often lay dormant for great lengths of time.

It is true to say however that a great number of women/couples who suffer from such loss, whether primary or secondary, do go on to conceive healthily.

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About Alison Fuller

Alison specialises in treating infertility, pregnancy, miscarriage, menopause and all things hormonal. She feels passionate about Women’s Health and strongly believes that treatment encourages emotional release (tension), and physical and chemical (hormonal) balance. She runs her practice in Weybridge, Surrey and at the Newlife Fertility and Miscarriage Clinic in Epsom.