Archive | October, 2013
Pregnancy Bliss or Discomfort

Pregnancy – Bliss or Discomfort?

Pregnancy is meant to be a wonderful experience.  However for a great deal of women the first 12 weeks or so can feel extremely unpleasant, with feelings of extreme tiredness and exhaustion to frequent bouts of nausea, not to mention the emotional reactions.  For many, these feelings soon settle down and the pleasure and excitement […]

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Why Treat Fertility Holistically?

The main aim of any holistic treatment (for fertility) is to help create, improve and maintain a healthy environment within to encourage early foetal development.  This may be achieved by balancing the body hormonally, where possible, thus reducing the impact of any problematic menstrual cycles (irregularity), Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS), Endometriosis, poor lifestyle and stress etc. Worrying […]

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