For some, childbirth is experienced with apprehension. For others, fear and anxiety surround this natural event, often leading to further traumatisation. This fear can be paralysing to the point of avoiding pregnancy altogether. In ‘Birth Reborn, What Childbirth Should Be’, Michel Odent wrote “One cannot help a normal physiological process. The point is not to […]

Genuine Top 5 Pregnancy Tips
During my work I listen to many of my pregnant ladies talking about the latest gadget or tip for ‘mums to be’, you know the type of thing – ‘sucking on ice cubes’ for nausea or ‘hula-hooping’ on fitness balls to bring-on labour (one of my personal favourites and one that proved successful with a […]
On the subject of Pregnancy
Pregnancy is meant to be a wonderful experience. However for a great deal of women the first 12 weeks or so can feel extremely unpleasant, with feelings of extreme tiredness and exhaustion to frequent bouts of nausea, not to mention the emotional reactions. For many, these feelings soon settle down and the pleasure and excitement […]