Can I have treatment?
There are situations when you may want treatment prior to your 12 week scan, to help ease morning sickness for example but generally most clients opt for treatments after the first 12 weeks have passed*. Reflexology in particular is a favourite of both ‘mums to be’ and midwives alike. As it is such a relaxing treatment it seems to never fail to bring relief from the natural aches and physical discomforts that pregnancy brings. Treatment also helps to settle and balance the hormones and most clients report great feedback from each treatment.
The Benefits
Reflexology may bring relief from the following:
Over Due!
In the last remaining weeks and days, Reflexology is said to be great at encouraging the body to commence delivery closer to term and support a natural labour and birth. Many of my clients have been delighted to have treatment to help relax them and ease some of the anxiety and worries that can build at this time.
Post-Natal Treatment
Once you are home and coming to terms with your new arrival, your body will be adjusting too – in an hormonal way!.. Treatment around this time is wonderful at helping the body relax again, bring about a state of homeostatis (balance) and encourage the hormones to settle – plus it’s a lovely treat after all that hard work and helps to stave off the signs of post-natal depression.
*assuming that there are no complications with the pregnancy....]]>
The main aim of any holistic treatment (for fertility) is to help create, improve and maintain a healthy environment within to encourage early foetal development. This may be achieved by balancing the body hormonally, where possible, thus reducing the impact of any problematic menstrual cycles (irregularity), Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS), Endometriosis, poor lifestyle and stress etc.
Worrying about fertility can cause stress and stress can be a fundamental cause of infertility, thus you can find yourself in a vicious circle. Not only that but if you have been unable to conceive for some time, you have probably visited your Doctor, you may have been for tests, you are likely to be regularly and diligently monitoring your cycles and you are simply constantly thinking about trying to become pregnant.
By having treatment, many clients tell me that they feel ‘more in control’ of their fertility and this in turn helps to ease the stress. This reduction in stress is likely to have a positive impact on your endocrine system and, in turn, reduce any hormonal imbalance.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine our reproductive system can be associated energetically with emotional stress such as fear, worry, anxiety etc. Therefore working towards a position of relaxation and dealing with stress is often very effective.
Can Treatment Help With Assisted Conception?
Fertility Reflexology can be used to support your Assisted Reproductive procedures such as IVF/ICSI and IUI. Treatment can reduce the effects of stress and brings about relaxation as well as preparing you both physically and emotionally during this procedure. Specific techniques are used to mirror ‘your’ protocol, providing a completely medical and holistic integrated treatment.
Fertility Reflexology can be effective in encouraging the body to conceive naturally. See Reflexology for more details or have a read under Articles.
When Should I Start Treatment?
Ideally starting three months, depending on the issues to address, prior to attempting natural or assisted conception to allow the body to adjust, rebalance and prepare. However, treatment can be started at any time and still have very beneficial effects.
]]>Stress affects our overall health and wellbeing and this is no exception with infertility. Why do couples fail to conceive when there is no known medical cause?
NICE Fertility Report (February 2013) advises GPs to inform potential infertile couples of the following – 80% of couples conceive in their first year of trying naturally (women under 40 years). Of the remaining 20%, 10% go on to conceive within a total of two years of trying – therefore 90% of couples (woman under 40 years) conceive within two years of trying. With Assisted Reproductive Techniques, (ART) 50% of couples (women under 40 years) conceive within 6 cycles of IUI. A further 25% conceive with another 6 cycles of IUI.
These statistics are clearly designed to give hope to couples, however HFEA Fertility Facts & Figures Report (2008) states that 1 in 7 couples experience infertility which is approximately 3.5 million people in the UK.
Stress, in its many forms, wreaks havoc with our hormonal and nervous systems and certainly impacts upon fertility. Here are the 5 main causes of stress in fertility but don’t forget, they overlap, interrelate and are virtually impossible to separate.
Infertility is the most common reason women age 20-45 seek advice from their GPs. (HFEA Fertility Facts & Figures 2008). Fertility declines with age in woman and more recently shown to be declining in men too. Draft NICE Report on Fertility (October 2012), states fertility declines with age in both women, and to a ‘lesser extent’ men.
The proportion of women having their first baby at, or after age 30 has steadily increased since the mid-70s. The probability factor for potential fertility issues increases from the age of 30 onwards (HFEA. Register Data 1991-2006 Report 2008). If couples only start their fertility journey at this age or later, then there is already a potential issue.
Not only that but the NHS will reduce the ART funding available to women aged 40 – 42 and stop funding to women over the age of 42, NICE Report on Fertility (February 2013), which will therefore affect couples that are unable to finance their own treatment.
As couples start to experience problems, they feel the pressure of the time factor and the need to try to conceive as quickly as possible to avoid either missing out on funded treatment and/or to ensure that they do not further complicate the issue as age impacts on their fertility.
Physical stress can affect a couple in many ways. A significant decrease in sperm quality has been reported in research (Carlson 1992; Sharp & Skakkebaek 1993; Irvine 1996). Male factor as a percentage of infertility has increased from approximately 27.5% in 2000 to 32.5% in 2006 (HFEA data 1991-2006, extract 2008).
Other lifestyle factors affect fertility such as alcohol, coffee, weight, smoking, recreational drugs, some prescription drugs, exercise, nutrition, heat. Couples try to improve their lifestyles by abstaining from behaviours but then often feel the pressure of ‘not being able to enjoy themselves’ or turn to these behaviours when failure or disappointment occurs, adding more guilt and stress.
Many feel that after a prolonged period of ‘trying to conceive’ sex becomes ‘on-demand’, routine and pressurised, resulting in further stress to the relationship. Women particularly feel exhausted from going through a variety of tests, protocols, procedures, interventions, scans and drugs. There is also pressure from daily monitoring of their cycles or from repeated disappointment of failed treatment.
Added to which, they can experience miscarriages which prove to be physically draining and emotionally devastating. There then follows a waiting period before the body recovers and is able to start the whole process again causing more delay and more time pressures.
The pressure starts quite soon after couples begin to try for a baby. Healthy couples naturally assume that their fertility journey will be relatively straight forward. However after just a few months, doubt and concern start to creep in, resulting in visits the to GP, a string of tests and finally being diagnosed with either ‘unexplained fertility or a medical diagnosis’. This often results in a search for further assistance which can be overwhelming, time consuming and exhaustive. So, by the time the couple realise that there is a problem, they have been trying for some time. If they are not successful, the time factor increases and most if not all the stressors mentioned here start to play a part.
Physically the body is now struggling to perform or behave and the emotional stress is evident in many forms. Women particularly experience a feeling of failure and often begin to dislike their reproductive body. Depression can affect both parties. Sadness, constant disappointment and total grief are most familiar to these couples.
Some begin to withdraw from their social network as they are unable to explain their emotional state. Some suffer anxiety on may levels. Some turn to coping behaviours or such as drinking, eating etc to cope with their situation – knowing that these will only impact further on their infertile state.
Some may have subconscious blocks or fears about being a good parent or from their own childhood experiences. However, if they didn’t have any fears at the beginning of this process, they often develop them as the failure builds.
Miscarriage causes terrible emotional stress. Fear then builds as they wish to try again but are worried they will experience the same outcome all over again.
One constant pressure for many women is the inability to share their infertility problems with friends, families and employers. The process is simply to raw and they feel too vulnerable, or they fear for their careers – something that they want to keep constant in case the do not become parents. Often they have to lie about their fertility appointments – all adding to the pressure.
In his forward for Dr Sammy Lee’s, Counselling in Male Infertility, Rex Cowen wrote ‘Dr Lee points out Male patients often develop serious depression and sexual impotence following diagnosis of infertility. Once seen only as a woman’s problem, it is now clear from research that, in around 50% of all cases, a male factor is involved. Health Care professionals need to address this development and increase their knowledge and understanding of men’s feeling in coping with this difficult situation’. He goes on to describe male infertility as one of society’s taboo subjects.
After trying for some time, couples often require medical intervention in the form of IVF/ICSI. Whilst they may be eligible for NHS funding initially, this funding soon runs out. Also they may want various additional tests and/or to try forms of complementary treatment. The cost of acupuncture, nutrition, hypnotherapy, reflexology, homeopathy etc can add financial pressure when in addition to private medical procedures. Multiple courses of ART, together with additional costs of donor eggs/sperm or treatment abroad can be phenomenally expensive and cause great pressure on the couple both jointly or can form a pressure between them. If they’ve had to take time off work, they may also fear for their job security too!
The pressures of trying to conceive affect relationships emotionally, sexually and financially. Throughout their entire infertility journey, they make sacrifices and changes to their lifestyles and this can lead to relationship stress. There may be disagreement about their course of action, the reason for infertility may be specific to one of them causing feelings of guilt and inadequacy, it may be the stressful stretch on finances or the lack of lifestyle ‘freedom’ that finally leads to a difficult decision of when to continue, and when to stop, or when to look at alternatives such as surrogates or adoption.
These pressures were unlikely to be present initially but build over time – most couples are unaware that they are going to experience problems with fertility and have therefore never discussed what they feel about the subject before they are already some way into the issue itself.
Many couples experience some, or all of the above pressures, which compound and may potentially account for the continuing failure to conceive despite subsequent treatment/intervention in the form of drug protocols and ART and procedures. The overall chance of a live birth following IVF treatment falls as the number of unsuccessful cycles increases. (Draft NICE Report on Fertility October 2012).
At this point they begin to feel they have run out of options – the final stress in itself. All the time there are options then there is hope, but when they have exhausted everything, they finally have to face a decision to give up, or to adopt. The adoption process in the UK is exhaustive and lengthy and not one to be considered lightly when you are already shattered from your emotional and physical roller-coaster.
Sjanie Hugo comments in her book ‘The Fertile Body Method’ (2009) ‘The role of the mind and the emotions in fertility is a vital one that is often overlooked. ‘A truly integrated approach is far more likely to give people the best possible chance of having children. Mind-body medicine is an approach to health that recognises the effect that our mind has on our body and vice versa’ …….
…….and that is why many do consider natural therapy and Hypnotherapy to help reduce the impact of Stress!!
If any of the above resonates with you and you would like to consider natural therapy such as Reflexology or Hypnotherapy to help alleviate fears, anxieties or clear emotional blocks, please do view the therapies or contact me if you’d like to make an appointment.
]]>Many of my clients tell me that they find great support, help, advice and guidance from the web when experiencing many of the emotional and physical ups and downs that increased infertility, pregnancy anxiety, pregnancy loss and hormonal imbalance can bring.
I therefore felt that writing about these subjects, referring to ‘real’ experiences, or highlighting information can only prove to be beneficial and also, can reach so many – I often forget that when publishing posts etc, they reach all over the world and not just us, in the UK!
Some of the subjects I discuss are becoming increasingly highlighted in the media – assisted fertility procedures such as IVF for example, however, other areas such as disruptive hormonal imbalance in the form of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), severe Breast Tenderness (Mastalgia), and Menopause are less often written about and yet are so common amongst women.
I have become increasingly surprised and frustrated by how little we know about the hormonal workings of our bodies. So little information is provided to teenagers experiencing puberty, ladies in their 20s struggling with hormonal fluctuations, couples in their 30s desperately seeking fertility support (although this area is changing dramatically), 40 somethings careering towards menopause etc, and yet hormonal balance is such an integral part of our health and well being!
Despite learning and researching keenly for the past few years I still feel completely inadequate in this area but I am genuinely driven by a thirst for more understanding and information.
I therefore write in an attempt to release the frustration, and impart as much knowledge as I may to my readers. The purpose therefore is to provide a safe, nurturing informative environment for women experiencing the hormonal challenges that infertility, pregnancy, menopause and miscarriage can bring… Men also experience hormonal issues, share the fertility concerns, suffer the emotional distress of miscarriage and often feel at a loss to support their partners through the stress that these issues can bring. My posts and my site are for them too!
]]>I read an article in The Times a while ago (‘Could Scientists really stop the menopause?’ by John Naish, 14th July) which spoke about two new techniques that could apparently halt and even reverse the menopause. There are very good scientific and medical reasons for both treatments e.g. premature menopause brought on by cancer or other medical conditions, a revitalisation of the ovaries allowing for reproduction – sometimes science is truly amazing.
However I was shocked to read how these medical techniques can be potentially offered to create an extreme form of what they termed, ‘Lifestyle Surgery’ – designed to preserve fertility into the later years, and here I mean into our 50′s and to preserve a youthful appearance.
One technique which is already quite advanced is called ‘ovarian grafting’ – taking young healthy tissue from the ovaries, freezing it, and implanting it again when the ovaries need to be revived. The other technique involves multiplying healthy stem cells from the ovaries (in a laboratory) and re-implanting them as revitalised ovarian cells. Both techniques are clearly amazing and bring tremendous hope and benefit to young women who potentially can become infertile from their life saving cancer treatment, but should we really consider these invasive techniques in order to keep ourselves looking young?!
The article suggests that it is a question of ethics, suggesting that it is for society to decide! Understandably staving off some of the affects of menopause or the possibility of taking HRT treatment may be seen to be a good thing…. but the risk of damage to the ovaries, together with the associated health risks of more mature women having higher levels of oestrogen in their systems (than nature intended) and the potential for breast and womb cancer surely should make us think twice, especially when cases of breast cancer seem to be increasing?!
]]>Is it stress free and happy, or is there tension, tightness and restriction hiding in the nether regions?!!
The other day I gave a new client an ‘Amno Fu’ treatment (abdominal massage), and it reminded me to do the same as it’s a treatment thats definitely top of my list for sorting out ‘tummy tension’ which can ultimately lead to lower back pain and bloating.
It never ceases to amaze me that a pocket of tension is lurking in my pelvic area or that I’ve tied my tummy in knots.
How does it get there and Why? Well, the answer of course is varied, and probably depends on a number of factors. As unique individuals we manifest our mental and emotional stress into our bodies, very differently.
For me, I get classic neck and shoulder tension, but with a nice dose of tummy tightness. By the time I’ve realised, I’m suffering from sciatic pangs, sleeplessness, digestive issues, not to mention the hormonal bloating that can be uncomfortably present every month.
Then there is the energetic relationship – you could ask ‘what is it that is hard to digest’ or ‘what is difficult to let go of’ and, once in tune with my tum, I am sure that I could come up with several answers for you.
Lets not forget the emotional factor – I often feel ‘lighter’ after treatment, as if I’ve managed to release some emotion that was lurking in the depths – forgotten but not forgiving.
After her treatment my new client commented ….’I really do feel incredible… such a funny / nice feeling!’
Do you suffer from lower back ache or sciatic pain?
Do you have fertility issues? Or have you previously had a pelvic or gastric operation?
Perhaps an Amno Fu treatment could help you? do have a look at my website for further details if you think it might.
]]>This is an interesting and what can only be termed as a ‘lighter’ read for anyone who hasn’t, as yet, entered the world of IVF but are about to, or for those that have and can relate enormously to the experiences, or for those who will never experience such a scenario but want to know what it might be like!!
Although its written in a way that will make you smile at times, the novel definitely highlights the enormous stress that naturally trying for a baby can bring to any couple. Not only that but the characters, Alex and Bella, find themselves facing IVF treatment, a daunting prospect and one that sends them embarking on another roller-coaster of events and emotions, ultimately testing their relationship to the limit.
Baby Roulette sympathetically shows the hidden emotional state that many experience, while they try to appear ‘normal’ to outside world of work, colleagues, family and friends. Their only real confidants are a fertile couple who try to do their best to be supportive and understanding.
I’m not great at reading from cover to cover but I did enjoy this and wanted to know how the couple get on and what the ultimate outcome is.
What did you think?
There was a six percent rise last year in the number of fertility treatments carried out in the UK, according to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA).
‘The register of all licensed treatments and outcomes for assisted reproduction held by the HFEA puts us in an unrivalled position to inform people about the performance of the fertility sector’, said Professor Lisa Jardine, chair of the HFEA. ‘We are now committed to publishing regular analytical reports, twice a year, one in the spring and one in the autumn’.The HFEA’s annual report, which was released on 16 November, shows that 45,264 women received fertility treatment in the UK in 2010, compared to 42,593 in 2009. This equates to 57,652 cycles of both IVF and ICSI in 2010 – an increase of 5.9 percent on the previous year.
According to the report, the use of sperm and egg donors is also increasing. Clinics carried out 1,963 cycles of treatment using donor sperm last year compared with 1,615 in 2009. The number of cycles where women used eggs from a donor reached 1,320 last year, an increase from the previous year’s figure of 1,254. Three percent of cycles involved donor eggs, and six percent donor insemination in 2010. Read full article..
]]>I recently visited The Fertility Show in London – something I have done for the last couple of years. The show remains small but informative and provides a variety of talks on all aspects of natural and assisted conception. This year the emphasis seemed to be on Male Fertility!
There were several talks on the subject from a lifestyle perspective – I pinched this title from one of them. So what did I learn?
Male Fertility has only been researched in the last 50 years and during that time the evidence suggests that the quality of semen is deteriorating…. why is that?
Well it must be to do with changes to our environment, our lifestyle for sure and our nutrition.
So chaps, prick up those ears because here are some hard truths …..
Some facts about male fertility and lifestyle:
So, what is the answer? Well as always its about health and well-being. Stop smoking and any use of the drugs mentioned above. Cut down on alcohol, sugar, coffee, salt etc. Eat well – go organic where possible. Exercise, get fresh air and avoid chemicals in your environment and if you are unsure about the health of your lovely sperm, get tested!!!
]]>Our bodies are wonderfully intrinsic and complex, yet we seemingly know little about them, we only find out how it works when it becomes broken or damaged or in need of repair.
From our teens to our 50s most women have the pleasure of experiencing a ‘monthly cycle’, but do we really appreciate and understand what this actually involves?
Many times during my working day I discuss the ups and downs of the monthly cycle… each time I am fascinated by how much or how little we appear to know. Whilst the books and medics talk about a natural 28 day cycle, this seems often far off the mark with ladies experiencing anything from 21 days to 47 +, or in several cases, erratic bleeds several months apart, to no bleed at all.
So, what are the facts?, what is the norm?, and why do we (in the holistic world) suggesting that ‘regular’ is best?…
The cycle divides into two halves or phases. The first phase is the Follicular Phase and is governed by the release of various hormones but dominated by the release of Oestrogen which signifies ovulation (usually around day 10 – 14). From ovulation onwards the cycle is called the Luteal phase and is governed or dominated by Progesterone. This phase ends when Day 1 of full bleed commences (and therefore becomes Day 1 of the next cycle and thus the whole thing is repeated. The purpose of the cycle is of course reproduction – i.e. the body prepares itself each month to produce an egg, to be fertilised by sperm, to implant and develop into an embryo. If this does not occur, the cycle repeats again and again until finally the body naturally shifts away from reproduction, and gradually menopause occurs, signifying a shift into a non-reproductive state.
Generally speaking a lovely healthy cycle is considered to be 28 days – or a reasonable bracket of 26-30 days. In a 28 day cycle it is generally thought that ovulation occurs at or around day 14, although I more often see it recorded as day 10/11.
A drug dominated cycle will behave differently depending on the purpose used, i.e. to prevent implantation or to stimulate ovulation (as in Clomid).
Cycles that fall short of the 26-30 days suggest an imbalance in hormonal health often caused by stress but equally by medical problems such as Polycystic Ovaries (PCO), fibroids, diabetes, thyroid imbalance, lifestyle (including diet etc). The most common imbalance falls in the Follicular Phase and can often be rectified by change in lifestyle and reducing stress factors where possible. However imbalance, particularly relating to progesterone levels can occur in the latter phase.
Therefore cycle length is a good indicator of health although it is possible to be outside the norm and still have regular cycles. Other indicators are uncomfortable symptoms such as, bloating, pain or cramps, tender breasts, emotional outbursts, outbreak of spots, lower back pain, headaches, particularly migraines, sugar cravings to name a few….
… and then there is the bleed! This can also be a good indicator of hormonal imbalance etc. You should ideally start your bleed quite positively, by that I mean that your first signs of bleed should be immediate, i.e. there should be flow – a bit of spotting for a few days etc before it all gets going is not a good indicator of a healthy cycle. Good bleeds start gently and then continue into full flow for several days (3-5).
We also know that in times of stress, both emotional and physical, our bleeds can stop altogether or become extremely heavy! Wow, how incredible is that – stress can actually stop the bodies natural rhythm!!
So, ideally, a good cycle would be approximately 28 days ending with a few days of ‘easy’, pain free, bleed with very little experience of other symptoms.
But for those of us who experience irregularity and a roller-coaster of PMT issues…. its time to address our monthly health!!……
So Ladies, ask yourselves, how does your cycle behave?