How Stress Can Impact Fertility In More Ways Than One! Stress affects our overall health and wellbeing and this is no exception with infertility. Why do couples fail to conceive when there is no known medical cause? NICE Fertility Report (February 2013) advises GPs to inform potential infertile couples of the following – 80% of […]

Book Review
Baby Roulette - Rachel Watson This is an interesting and what can only be termed as a ‘lighter’ read for anyone who hasn’t, as yet, entered the world of IVF but are about to, or for those that have and can relate enormously to the experiences, or for those who will never experience such a scenario […]

Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll…
Why its not so good for the sperm, whoops I mean Soul!! I recently visited The Fertility Show in London – something I have done for the last couple of years. The show remains small but informative and provides a variety of talks on all aspects of natural and assisted conception. This year the emphasis […]

Pregnancy Loss – A Very Personal Matter..
It strikes me, as I research this subject, that there are a great many sites and organisations devoted to this area and whom specialise in providing help and support be it onscreen, on the phone or in person¹ – The Miscarriage Association provide some really good downloadable information on their site (see below). Still despite […]

Just A Little Thin Blue Line and….
and the pregnancy worry begins …. For some getting pregnant can be reasonably straight forward. For a larger number of 30 somethings, it can be a roller-coaster of cycle monitoring, tests, more tests and procedural failures, and for others, it just doesn’t happen… You would think therefore, that when you finally fall pregnant you would […]
One for the boys….
Okay, firstly, this blog isn’t just for women… I know that it mentions fertility, pregnancy, and menopause … and I can visibly see the men shying away at all ‘those’ words strung together but, it is about the underlying impact or traits to do with all things hormonal …. Hormones affect you too, yes you!.. […]