
'I specialise in natural therapy to support the emotional and physical hormonal challenges that fertility, pregnancy, menopause and miscarriage bring...'


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Fertility, Pregnancy & Miscarriage

Hypnotherapy for Fertility, Pregnancy and Miscarriage and the anxiety they can bring…

Hypnotherapy can help you deal with the emotional roller coaster associated with fertility and pregnancy anxiety and pregnancy loss.  Research has shown that it can maximise the chances of conception and maintain a healthy pregnancy.

When you decide to start a family, you often have no idea that this may turn into a repetitive cycle of physical and emotional stress as it becomes apparent that the family you so desire, seems to be so unachievable and the whole issue becomes all encompassing, all consuming and often obsessive.

Many women find it difficult to focus on other aspects of their lives and as day by day, and month by month you continue to be unsuccessful, you can often feel isolated and detached from the outside world and often from each other.  At the same time other factors can play a major role such as ‘age’ and time and/or finances.  Stress starts to play a significant role in the never-ending monthly cycle of events and this in turn adds another dimension as stress causes a significant impact of the hormonal system – a system that you are trying so hard to regulate, control, understand, and, so finely balance.

And, for some, even when a pregnancy is achieved and you expect to feel elated, you are often faced with a cascade of anxiety for the following 9 months until finally a successful birth alleviates the strain.

Fertility issues, Pregnancy anxiety and Pregnancy Loss are often very lonely issues.  Evidence shows that most men don’t share these problems at all, and most women only share their feelings with very close friends.  More often than not the subject is not shared with Employers.  Sometimes the subject is not discussed with family members and even friends are excluded if they are pregnant, have children or have never suffered such a loss – the whole issue becomes deeply personal and often detachment seems the only way to cope with the day to day emotional roller-coaster.

Hypnotherapy Can Help You By:

  • Reducing the impact of stress both emotionally and physically and thereby enhancing the chance of conception.
  • Helping you to regain a sense of control of your life.
  • Releasing underlying issues, blocks or worries that may be impacting on your fertility.
  • Encouraging communication and/or addressing any factors causing further stress between you as a couple.
  • Addressing any areas of guilt, grief or fear
  • Creating and focusing on positive outcomes.

Easibirthing Hypnotic Fertility PractitionerAlison is a Certified Hypnotic Fertility Practitioner (CHFP).

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