How can therapy help with menopause?

How Can therapy Help With Menopause?

thumbPut simply, menopause is the natural ending of a women’s reproductive life!  It is a hormonal process and usually happens slowly, over a number of years around the late 40s to early 50s but early menopause is on the rise with women starting in their mid 30s.

However although this is a natural process, the symptoms and affects can severely effect some womens day to day life and sense of well-being.

There are considered to be 3 stages but there is some overlap in the meaning and the transitional period within each stage:

Peri-menopause describes the ‘run-up’ to menopause in which you begin to notice changes to your periods, cycles and overall mood – in other words you have less bleeds, may suffer from hot flushes, anxiety and emotional episodes.

Menopause takes effect from when you have your last or final bleed but is not declared because this cannot be established until you have had 12 clear months without bleed indicating the cessation of ovulation, which ultimately signals the end of your reproductive life.

Post-Menopause is considered to be all of the time that follows when a women has ceased ovulating and her ovaries have become inactive.

How can therapy help?

As this is a natural process and is hormonal based, treatment can help to reduce the impact of stress of the body and in turn rebalance the body.  Of course it cannot stop the natural process but simply help to smooth out the disruptive effects that sometimes present.