

Research has shown that Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy can be proven to be effective in treating for fertility and pregnancy anxiety, infertility, and preparation for birth (Hypnobirthing).

Hypnosis for Natural Conception & IVF

Research carried out by an Israeli professor, Eliahu Levitas in 2005 demonstrates the benefit of hypnosis at Embryo Transfer for women undergoing IVF with significantly increased IVF success rates.  For more information on the research click the link below:

Impact of Hypnosis During Embryo Transfer (Levitas, et al, 2005) – Fertility and Sterility, Volume 85, Number 5, May 2006, American Society for Reproductive Medicine

Recent research indicates that psychological distress may impair fertility and that depressive symptoms may reduce the efficacy of infertility treatment.  In one study, women with depressive symptoms were half as likely to conceive as women who were not depressed.

The Journal Of The American Medical Women’s Association 1999 and The Journal of Fertility and Sterility 2000 (Alice Domar PhD Harvard Behavioural Medicine Program for Infertility).  In the study published in 2000, 55% of the infertile women receiving the Mind/Body techniques (including self-hypnotic suggestion), conceived within the first 6 months compared to only 20% of the group that received no psychological help.

Hypnosis based on imagery and a relaxation strategy was successful in facilitating pregnancy.  The treatment was considered to have resulted in beneficial modification of attitude, optimism, and mind-body interaction.  The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, (Volume 38, Issue 1, 1995, 22-26); Hypnosis in the Treatment of Functional Infertility.

Reduction in length of labour using Hypnosis

Jenkins and Pritchard (1993) found a reduction of 3 hours (first time mums) and a reduction of 1 hour for (multi-gravid women) for active labour.  Pushing was statistically shorter.  These women reported being more satisfied with labour and reported other benefits such as reduced anxiety and help with getting to sleep.

Abramson and Heron (1950) & Gallagher (2001) found a shorter first stage labour by 3.23 hours or 100 women who used Hypnosis.

Harmon, Hynan and Tyre (1990) found first time mums who had used Hypnosis had an average 4.5 hours for active labour, a significant reduction compared to the average norm of 9 hours.

Bobart, Brown (2002) reported reduced use of Medication during Labour between the control group and the hypnosis group; Regional Anaesthesia (epidurals)  was used by 97% in the control group compared to 38% in the hypnosis group.  Analgesia was used by 75% of women in the control group compared to 5.5% of women in the hypnosis group.  Only 2.7% of the control group managed without any form of medication compared to 61% in the hypnosis group.  The Baby Apgar score (response score) was significantly higher in the hypnosis group.

Harmon, Hynan and Typre (1990) found 55% of mothers to be, required no medication compared to 22% of non Hypnosis clients.  They also reported more spontaneous deliveries, higher baby apgar scores and reduced medication.

Smith et al (2006) showed that hypnosis reduces the need for drug pain relief in labour, lessens the need for medications to augment labour and increases the number of spontaneous vaginal births.

Reduced Rate of Intervention

84% (higher than average rate) of mums to be, delivered spontaneously without the use of caesarean, forceps or venteuse (first time mums) – Harmon, Hynan and Tyre (1990).

Postpartum Depression

Absence of Depression in Hypnosis group compared to 10-15% or normal average.  Even women with history of PP Depression did not develop this condition with Hypnosis even though an estimated 50% usually do – Harmon et al (1990).
