I’ve been a Reflexologist for almost 10 years now and still I find that the treatment is considered the ‘poor relation’ to other therapies. Yet, this wonderful treatment, never ceases to amaze me in how it helps to counteract stress and anxiety, rebalance hormones, extend or reduce cycles, encourage conception, and even bring on labour! […]
Fertility Massage – How Connected Are You To Your Womb?
Ladies, let me ask you, How Connected Are You To Your Womb? I know that this might be a strange question but when it comes to our reproductive organs (womb, fallopian tubes and ovaries), the organs that make us female, curvy, sexy, women, nurturers, mothers, givers of life, creators of life, etc., then perhaps we […]
Why Treat Fertility Holistically?
The main aim of any holistic treatment (for fertility) is to help create, improve and maintain a healthy environment within to encourage early foetal development. This may be achieved by balancing the body hormonally, where possible, thus reducing the impact of any problematic menstrual cycles (irregularity), Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS), Endometriosis, poor lifestyle and stress etc. Worrying […]
The 5 Stresses of Infertility
How Stress Can Impact Fertility In More Ways Than One! Stress affects our overall health and wellbeing and this is no exception with infertility. Why do couples fail to conceive when there is no known medical cause? NICE Fertility Report (February 2013) advises GPs to inform potential infertile couples of the following – 80% of […]
Tummy Tension – Is It Getting The Better Of You?
How healthy is your abdomen? Is it stress free and happy, or is there tension, tightness and restriction hiding in the nether regions?!! The other day I gave a new client an ‘Amno Fu’ treatment (abdominal massage), and it reminded me to do the same as it’s a treatment thats definitely top of my list […]
Book Review
Baby Roulette - Rachel Watson This is an interesting and what can only be termed as a ‘lighter’ read for anyone who hasn’t, as yet, entered the world of IVF but are about to, or for those that have and can relate enormously to the experiences, or for those who will never experience such a scenario […]
IVF Statistics On The Rise!
I’ve just read the following article in BioNews informing us on the latest statistics for IVF in 2010 compared to 2009…. Article From BioNews, by Dr Gabrielle Samuel… There was a six percent rise last year in the number of fertility treatments carried out in the UK, according to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority […]
Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll…
Why its not so good for the sperm, whoops I mean Soul!! I recently visited The Fertility Show in London – something I have done for the last couple of years. The show remains small but informative and provides a variety of talks on all aspects of natural and assisted conception. This year the emphasis […]
Ladies, how well do you know your cycle?
Our bodies are wonderfully intrinsic and complex, yet we seemingly know little about them, we only find out how it works when it becomes broken or damaged or in need of repair. From our teens to our 50s most women have the pleasure of experiencing a ‘monthly cycle’, but do we really appreciate and understand […]
Caffeine and Fertility?…
Do I or don’t I? Comment – “Complementary Therapists recommend that you should cut out caffeine altogether when trying to conceive as it can reduce your changes of fertility” (there is also some evidence to say that it can increase the risk of miscarriage). The problem with this statement is that it is rather generalised […]