This non-invasive, external massage helps to improve the flow of blood and lymph, the conduction of nerves and movement of life force throughout the body. It aims to release tension found in twisted and contorted connective tissue of the abdomen and lower back, thereby aiding to clear blockages, bloating, toxic build-up, water retention, and waste, improving flow of blood and oxygen to the tissues. For issues non-fertility related such as stress, IBS etc see Abdominal Massage.
Massage encourages internal abdominal and pelvic organs re-align into proper position, relieving a variety of organ displacement symptoms. The symptoms of a displaced uterus can be many such as Fibroids, fertility challenges, low back pain, Endometriosis, painful and irregular periods etc.
Within Fertility Massage, Alison may use a fusion of techniques including emotional trauma work and guided visualisation to create a uniquely nurturing treatment. During excessive periods of stress, ill-health or emotional trauma our reproductive organs may choose to shut down if the body is not functioning optimally. This may be the case with annovulation (no ovulation), no bleed, no cycle or irregularity etc. In order to restore health to the reproductive organs, all areas should be addressed on an emotional, physical and energetic level which is why this treatment can be so effective when treating fertility issues, miscarriage and hormonal disruption.